It's that time of year again where the sun smiles upon us, school is out and the wide, wide world of travel is just a flight away.
So you do some research on vacation options. You book a flight. You reserve a hotel room. And last but certainly not least, you call an insurance agent for an appropriate travel policy.
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"Ah," you think to yourself. "I'm covered from all angles."
Not so fast, sir or ma'am!
While others like yourself may view the insurance they purchased as a ticket to peace of mind, it's not always so.
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Not every loss scenario that you can envision occurring will be covered.
This articles deals with issues that may arise as a result of not planning ahead or educating yourself properly about insurance issues.
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Some Instances when Travel Insurance does not Cover Losses
1. If you think you are smart by buying travel insurance when you hear the radio tell you about a future storm, think again. A travel policy will not cover the cancellation of your trip following publicized storm information.
2. If you imagine that travel insurance will provide compensation for ordinary problems, stop dreaming. Your insurance will not compensate you for common inconveniences or lack of enjoyment.
3. Do not plan on getting covered for losses you cannot prove. You will need to show a sales receipt so that your loss can be substantiated.
4. Be aware that your insurance policy will likely not provide coverage for incidents that occurred while you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
5. Get your doctor involved before you go on your trip or you may not receive medical coverage under your travel insurance. If you cannot prove you were in good health prior to getting on the plan, you may run into coverage problems if you need medical care while on vacation.
6. Do not assume every activity you participate in is covered under your travel plan. If you get hurt while engaging in something that the insurance company considers dangerous you may not see reimbursement. Review your policy to ascertain which activities your insurance provider includes and which are viewed as perilous.
As in any form of indemnity, travel insurance has limits and deductibles, as well as exclusions. You owe it to yourself and your vacation to do the proper research ahead of the game. Speaking to an experienced independent agent will help you decide what policy is best for you and how to avoid getting denied for a related claim.
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